As-Salam Alaikum Family,

It is with profound humility and boundless joy that I am honored to introduce to you the Fayda Digital App. This remarkable achievement stands as the culmination of five years of unwavering dedication from our passionate team. I sincerely hope that this app will prove to be an invaluable resource for both the Tijani Jamaat and the wider Muslim community.

For an in-depth exploration of the app's features, we have meticulously crafted a comprehensive video available on our website at👇👇👇 

To ensure you are among the first to access the app when it launches on both Android and iPhone platforms this October, I encourage you to proactively sign up on our waiting list. Upon signing up, a confirmation email will be dispatched, accompanied by a unique referral link. By sharing this link with others, you stand a chance to win a complimentary one-year access pass to the app, encompassing all its remarkable features.

For authors, publishers, and content creators specializing in various forms of expression, such as written works, or audio content encompassing Zikr, Qasida, and Madih, our app has been meticulously designed to facilitate the effortless publication of your creations. Moreover, you will receive monthly royalties based on the downloads of your specific content. You may initiate the process by signing up on our website and uploading your works for consideration. Given the vast and diverse nature of our community, this platform serves as a centralized repository for all matters related to the Tijaniyya tradition. May Allah, in His infinite wisdom, bless His devoted followers with the treasure trove of knowledge that this platform offers. Presently, the app's resources are available in English, Arabic, French, and Hausa.

Furthermore, it brings us immense delight to introduce one of our esteemed collaborators. Please take a moment to savor the heartwarming song, "The Month of Love," attached herein.

Wishing you all a blessed Mawlid, and may Allah give us Allah! Amin Amin Amin!

 The Fayda Digital App Team

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