[Easy Way to Attain Weight Loss & Autophagy (Self Healing/Cell Regeneration)]

Weight loss

Intermittent Fasting is when you give a healthy gap between your meals so that your body can have ample time to process what you have eaten and get absorbed into the the body accordingly. It is believed that after 13hours of intermittent fasting, Autophagy (Self Healing/Cell Regeneration) sets in. The body will naturally feed on bad proteins, tumors and any other bad fats will be taken out gradually. If one does this overtime, one will loose weight effortlessly and get healed of certain conditions (naturally).

The most popular Intermittent Fasting suggests are 16:8 or 18:6 or OMAD.


For faster combine intermittent fasting with Cardio workout. And remember to seek medical advice from your doctor before embarking on this journey.

For me... personally, I lost 15kg from intermittent fasting only within one year. And when i added intensive 1hr cardio(gym) to it....for 2months, my Fatty Liver cleared off.


There are different form of steps you can take in carrying out this intermittent fasting,  below are the list of formula you can use and how to do it. 

The Intermittent Fasting (16:8 Formula).

  • Stop your last meal in the evening, roughly by 6pm. Then Eat your next meal by 10am in the next morning (that's 16hours fast).
  • Eat your normal meals between 10am and stop at 6pm..that's 8hrs fast.
  • Within the fasting period, you can drink water or things with almost zero calorie (if necessary).
You can see it's easy, if you want to go harder the 18:6 formula.

Intermittent Fasting (18:6 Formula).

  • Stop your last meal in the evening by 6pm.
  • Eat your next meal by 12 noon in the next day (that's 18hours fast).
  • Eat your normal meals between 12 noon and stop at 6pm.. that's 6hrs feasting/eating period.
  • Withing the fasting period, you can drink water or things with almost zero calorie (if necessary).

This is a bit harder than the first one. If you want to go harder the 23:1 or OMAD (One Meal A Day) formula.

Intermittent Fasting [23:1 or OMAD (One Meal A Day) formula]

  • Stop ur last meal in the evening by 6pm.
  • Eat ur next meal by 5pm the next day (that's 23hours fast).
  • Eat ur normal meals between that 5pm and stop at 6pm.. that's 1hr feast.
  • Withing the fasting period ..u can drink water or things with almost zero calorie (if necessary).
If you want to go harder.. do the 48 hours or 72hours formula... which can be done once a reset once system and get better Autophagy (Self Healing/Cell Regeneration Tendencies).

Start can try the 12:12 approach first, then increase it slowly. And watch yourself reap the health benefits in it. For those who have ulcer, seek medical advice before embarking on it.

Also, try to eat clean. Stay away from unhealthy choices and embrace the healthier ones. Some of which are;
  • Use Avocado Oil, Olive oil or Coconut Oil. Avoid Vegetable Oil & Canola Oil.
  • Avoid the habit of eating white rice. Embrace brown/wild rice and slim/basmati rice.
  • Avoid white flour and it's products.
  • Avoid deep fried foods. Go for the grilled ones instead.
  • Take at least 3,000 steps per day (i.e. 30mins walk) and when you have the strength to do so, increase to 5,000 or 10,000 (as chance permits you to).

Isma'eel Bakare (SmileBak)
Health/Wellness Enthusiast, Digital Archivist and Book Merchant✌️
10:02am Nigerian Time

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